Deloitte Consulting LLP

Edward Thomas Senior Manager 1919 North Lynn St
Arlington, VA 22209
United States

Locate 202-669-9320

Deloitte is the world’s largest professional services firm, and consistently recognized as a leader across the consulting, advisory, and technology fields by Forrester, Gartner, and others as a result of the depth and breadth of our capabilities. Deloitte’s transportation practice offers a suite of end-to-end consulting and managed services to help our clients navigate the increasingly complex mobility ecosystem. We serve clients in over 56 cities globally with a network of 1,500+ experienced transportation practitioners. We bring market-leading industry knowledge, superior business transformation capabilities, and deep technical expertise to turn business challenges into opportunities. Deloitte supports clients with developing strategic plans, designing governance and business models, adopting new technologies, fostering partnerships, and achieving a culture of innovation. A hallmark of our approach is our ability to bring a range of technology, enterprise, and services partners together, to offer transportation clients our award-winning holistic, end-to-end set of services and solutions.

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