Charlie Golf One Supply, LLC

Justin Crosson Owner


Charlie Golf One Supply (Charlie Golf One) was formed on August 21, 2023. Charlie Golf One is located in Orange County, California. The California Department of General Services has certified Charlie Golf One as a Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE). The Small Business Administration has certified Charlie Golf One as a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). Charlie Golf One is the call sign for “standing by to assist.” Charlie Golf One’s goal is to assist agencies and contractors with the meeting of their DVBE goals and to provide employment opportunities to other veterans improving their lives after their military service. Charlie Golf One is here to save you time and logistical planning by supplying goods and equipment. Charlie Golf One will provide several quotes for each request, finding the best quality, cost and delivery window. We will source and deliver the purchases according to your schedule. Charlie Golf One can also provide you with remote labor for quality assurance reviews of transactions or customer service work product. Charlie Golf One is currently certifying notices of civil penalty for the issuance of final orders by judges.

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