
Jason Morrison ITS, Parking & Public Transport Market Manager 201 Daktronics Dr
Brookings, SD 57006-2359

Locate 605-692-0200 https://www.daktronics.com/en-us

Daktronics is the world leader in designing, engineering, manufacturing, installing, and maintaining LED display technology. Every day on thousands of roadways, millions of travelers rely on information to get them safely and efficiently to their destinations. Daktronics is committed to delivering long-lasting, cost-effective digital displays. NTCIP-compliant Vanguard® dynamic message signs guide travelers through tunnels, tolls, freeways, and cities with MUTCD graphics, text, and real-time information to manage traffic, reduce congestion, and improve safety. NTCIP-compliant Vanguard® software enables one sign to communicate both guidance information and safety reminders. The result is reduced congestion and accident rates as well as more notice for wayfinding, travel times, toll information, and lane restrictions. Direct-view, high-resolution LED displays maximize traffic management center operation by providing crisp detail in any lighting. Modular design allows for any size configuration which eliminates breaks in images and allows operators to view news, weather, and feeds on one screen.

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