Foundation Donations

IBTTA Foundation Tax Deductibility


The IBTTA Foundation is the charitable arm of IBTTA.  Contributions to the IBTTA Foundation and the Leadership Academy may be tax-deductible as charitable contributions under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

Foundation Scholarship Fund
Through a competitive selection process, the IBTTA Foundation awards $5,000 scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students who are working towards a transportation-related degree at an accredited university. This scholarship program is launched every spring and administered by Scholarship America®, the nation's largest designer and manager of scholarship, tuition assistance and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations and individuals. Awards are granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability or national origin.
Foundation Service Project
For the past ten-plus years, the IBTTA Service Project has been held in conjunction with the Maintenance, Engineering & Roadway Operations Workshop. IBTTA members organize this community volunteer project with a local organization in the city where the Workshop is held. 
Leadership Academy Alumni Association Scholarship
The Leadership Academy was founded in 2008 by the IBTTA Foundation Board of Directors. It is an executive development program tailored specifically for senior-level managers in public and private sector organizations that serve the toll industry. The Leadership Academy is funded by student tuition fees. This annual program is held every February in Washington, DC. In 2019, the Leadership Academy formed an Alumni Association (LAAA). The association is over 400 graduates strong! 
Foundation - General Fund
The Foundation supports the IBTTA Leadership Academy and the work of the Leadership Academy Alumni Association. The Foundation supports charitable good works through an annual community service project and operates a growing scholarship program. 


Please select one or more funds that you would like to contribute to, and enter your donation amount. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to login to our website to proceed.

Foundation General Fund
Foundation Scholarship Fund
Foundation Service Project
Leadership Academy Alumni Association(LAAA)